Movement Coach + Intake Specialist
Uses She/Her pronouns
Misty Saracino, PhD, MPH, is a movement coach, intake specialist, eager volunteer, social justice advocate, and Registered Counselor Agency Affiliate in the state of Washington (#CG60948358).
First and foremost, she’s a people person, driven by endless curiosity and desire to know others. Misty is a connector who brings people together and creates a safe container for vulnerability.
Despite her gentle fun-loving demeanor, Misty is fiercely devoted to dismantling diet culture. This drive is fueled by a deep, personal understanding of what it’s like to be lured by its false promises and a primal need to escape trauma and hopelessness. As someone who has fully recovered from a two-decade long eating disorder, Misty is committed to guiding others on the path to body trust and liberation.
Prior to working at Opal, Misty was a public health researcher at the University of Washington. After enduring a long and painful journey to motherhood, Misty decided to stay home full-time with her two feisty daughters. Misty’s grieving process awakened old wounds and she found solace and connection in a support group. Misty experienced the transformational healing power of community and realized that being a scientist was part of a story she no longer needed. To forge a new career path, Misty trained to be a coach, started a practice, and continues to lead support groups for others to connect through shared experience.
Misty is an East-coast transplant that identifies as a white, Italian-American, cis-gendered, able-bodied female. Misty is committed to using her privilege and platforms to fight systems of oppression and increase equity. She’s especially passionate about educating parents and young girls about the harmful effects of diet culture and providing free eating disorder support to all. She is currently training to be a facilitator of The Body Positive© and The Body Project©. Because diet culture and other systems of oppression are rooted in white supremacy, Misty actively engages in anti-racism. She is a member of the Race & Equity Committee at her children’s school, facilitates an anti-racism parent group, and is currently enrolled in the Antiracism Project© through Brooklyn College.
Misty is also an avid puzzler, voracious podcast listener, yogi, and cuddler.
Misty has professional interest and advanced training in: Attuned/ intuitive eating, diet recovery/ chronic dieting, grief and loss, Health at Every Size, trauma, infertility, career transitions.